It seems that 50Hz (60Hz) powerline flickering overloads visual processing core in the brain, somehow locking them into their objective mind and preventing the subconscious from opening. The images are more like silhouettes or outlines moving about behind a cloud of black fog. Ill have a look at the books you kindly pointed out. To point you to some great resources to get the most out of life through writing, check out some of these titles on Amazon or your local book store: Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice Within- Janet Conner Kids and adults alike enjoy touring the various museums throughout greater Williamsburg, VA. One week later (first 7 days of training): Definitely seems worth the strange feeling of trying to describe something you can no longer see and (in my case) cant remember well if it leads to being able to visualise. I do two things, I either stare at the whole image, then close my eyes and try to hold the afterimage as long as possible, or I stare at the hedges until I start seeing shapes (usually faces) and try to hold onto them as long as I can. Or do things come to your mind randomly at times? As a result of insuffficient hormones i have weaker cognitive functions and my brain cells and whole body need hormones to develop. I am a photographer and the strange thing is I can recall photographs I have taken. For us, for some reason, we didnt visualise naturally. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing severe distractions while trying to visualize I try to picture myself a certain way, and within a few seconds I find myself thinking about something completely different. Now shut your eyes and take the object with you so you still have the image in your head, almost in front of your eyes, even though they are closed. When you reached a state of calmness and relaxation, focus on your mental imagery. Im certain, if you stay with it, youll find you can recreate images in their true colors. When ready, close your eyes and visualize the scenery in the photograph. As in the previous exercise, when the image gets blurred, or you forget it, open your eyes, look at the photograph for a few seconds, and then close your eyes and continue visualizing it. Try focus on the mental image, for at least one complete minute. Wish me luck. 2) if increase my visualization skills to good/high levels will i have always images and videos in my mind s eye? Youll be able to automatically capture more details with a single look. Do you see anything at all yet? Again take a blank sheet of paper and paint a color spot. This is great stuff!!! Should I only worry about the initial brief image? Thats the best way or need to have that skill of visualisation of seeing pictures with eye lid closed. I cant wait to see (literally) in 7 days how is going to evolve. Youll be able to recall the colors with some practice. Afterimages are not the same thing as mental images. Sometimes it even appears rotated 90 degrees. But everyone is different. If you can imagine, control, manipulate things in your way, then thatd might be perfect for you to put it to practice and apply it in a useful way. I can do it while asleep, so I know my brain can do it. Dear Kimberley, And it happened twice during the same night (one with, one off pressure mat)! It was even the wrong colour (meant to be purple) and only 1-2 cm in diameter but still a pleasant surprise because prior to that it has always (and still) been very dark colours. But they are just that, afterimages. Walk around like everythings perfectly normally and like nothing even happened. Even if you can get the slightest improvement within that time period, then Jackpot keep going. Funny I never noticed what exactly visualization/imagination means for people. I am able to see some simple geometric figures, but only for a few seconds. I also practice a lot on stationary objects. Or, think, How would it look and smell like if I poured a steaming cup of coffee over a stack of white paper? Im doing this about 20-60 minutes/day. Can you describe what your current level is? Thanks. # When you practice, try moving your mental focus around. So far, I havent heard of one yet.. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and your progress with everyone here! It motivated me to spend more time practicing visualization. UnChainMyBrain@2019 - All Right Reserved. Definitely, its possible. Continuing with 45 minutes of image streaming every day, and once a week doing the guided meditation/hypnosis I mentioned previously. You should dedicate some weeks or even months to regular practice before complaining that it doesnt work ;). Only about 10% can really see images like a movie; for others, it is often more like thoughts. Im beginning to see burning white flashes that slowly come and disappear shortly after, did you ever experience these type of visions or could this just be visual hallucinations? But anyway no matter how much hard work and effort I put in, I get no results.and Im very sad about it. Stare at an object. I dont see much outside through my window (only shades). And once again, thank you to Dorin for your progress reports. And as someone who is trying to be an artist, this was extremely discouraging. And if so, how long did that transition take? Your personal continuous experience will tell you what works best for you. Breath life into your goals by adding all the details youd want to see. LONDON ART FAIR: The capital's art scene swings into action for the year at the London Art Fair at the Business Design Centre in Islington. Later, youll walk without thinking about it consciously anymore. The only time I can visualize is while sleeping. Give it a try. I can only see blue and violet and not when I should see them. Awesome! I can never see the red shirt someone was wearing, but I can remember "They were wearing a red shirt." With the guided meditations, do you mean listen to the sound whilst you do the above exercises? Working from memory helps indeed. I tried to be aggressive from the beggining speding more time on daily training because was hard for me to believe that 10-15 minutes a day will make any difference after 37 years of not being able to ever see (I only had vivid dreams). 1. Thank you for pointing out this simple truth and for taking steps to help others develop this amazing ability! Jamie Redknapp has admitted that he never expected to see Wout Weghorst in a Manchester United shirt during his career.. Also, my head hurts (dont know why, might be a coincidence). My 31 days are up and unfortunately I have not improved. This is extremely rare but it idd occur to days ago. When this happens, dont get annoyed and dont start the exercise from the beginning. # I have been very frustrated about this for years, and have seen many doctors. I plan on starting the exercises today and staying consistent for at least 30 days. Practice. Ive discovered this while doing some research on minds eye training and aphantasia. Tomorrow Ill start doing it so if I get something interesting, Ill let you know. (You can also use the shapes I uploaded for you below.). Hi Marko, thanks for the exercises. Employ gentle persistence and effort and keep revealing clues that can guide you. Of course, is all black but feels like there are some slightly darker shadows in my mind (shadows of objects in the room). Again thanks alot :), Arana, Im happy to hear! Im having less luck creating images on command. Im going to start doing the geometric shape exercise next. Very, very strange feeling like you actually see through your hands. 6) Attend a Museum for Free. :) Some black and white images seem to work for me, though not the whole image. I was doing this about 20 minutes a day. Please dont give up man, I will not stop, i want get better so so much, but its may be impossible. See what works best for you. Never have I referenced an image seen in my minds eye. # Awesome. All youve got to do is training your minds eye. # Also, do you think using black and white images is a good exercise instead of a candle? For about a week now I been watching this subliminal visualization video on YouTube Could you give us some feedback about this product? I know, this can be a frustrating process but, because this is such an intangible matter, only persistant experimentation will show you the ideal way to practice. If I meditate more than 15-25 minutes, swirlings you describe appear and if I focus on that movement trying to see patterns/shapes, at some point clips are comming, like are hidden on those patterns (I see many clips, as long as I keep meditating; I also open my eyes from time to time (for 2-3 seconds) and clips are comming when I close my eyes back looks like the brain remains in the same state but opening your eyes from time to time will keep you more aware, without that sleepy sensation). Now that youre receiving an after-image (even though its unstable) you can get a feel for visualization. When I was a child I tried to create images in my mind every night. This demands a high level of concentration and control and youll quickly register progress. I mean, neurofeedback is about fine-tuning your brain through electric stimulation and changing unwanted behaviour/thinking, so I dont think it was unreasonable to except SOMETHING. This is my new toy! Just make sure to relax your eyes and your eyelids when closing them. Just started the visualization technique. I wish there would be an easy hack to improve very quickly but so far I havent found one. A part of me made the recent mistake of seeking advices from all over the place. I will definitely try your guide in hopes that will help me overcome my blackness! 2) I believe when youve invested the time to hone your visualization skill, youll begin to employ it more or less automatically. Grab one and squeeze it with your fingers. #4 is also good. I have a question, did you have to build a visual library from scratch, or were you able to recall images you have seen in the past? Visualization is elusive, and everybody is different. Hi Leo, I think you can compare the visualization process to something like this: By the way, you dont need to watch these videos on YouTube. But, if you stick to daily practice sessions, dedicate a few minutes each day, youll be greatly rewarded with new and beautiful skill. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment Or I might think of a soda tin, and while I cant see it, I can sort of feel the shape of it, and even turn it or spin it or whatever without seeing anything. Now, the one thing that is true and Ill repeat it, was that one time I feel semi-asleep on my pressure mat and ACTUALLY SAW A STREAM OF IMAGES in high speed. You can improve the practice by making the phases longer, just observe 1:4:2 the proportions. I said: holly cr**, this is working, my brain is definetly doing something! Thanks for responding, I plan to dedicate some time to each exercise and will be sure to report back if I have any progress. 10/2/19 Im starting to get discouraged. Some can control these images, others cant. So Marko any suggestions on how to practice mental rotation. No fluke. Hope its improved since you commented. 4. 1. Dont give up. These are the answers i was looking for, thank you! Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. It doesnt really matter how you look at the candle (or whatever item). Marko, Hi Marko, when you say go to imagine a green Star do you just do it without thinking, making it by scratch or do you do it by saying to your mind show me a green Star and for me I would then likely see a green Star from memory. Yet I doubt that youll be able to control your mental images 100% at all times which is probably a natural mechanism of our subconscious minds. 2. Nonetheless, I think youre making a great suggestion and Ill update this article asking people to leave specific feedback on their progress so that Ill be able to compound it to a dedicated post. At first I thought it was working, I did seem to be getting slightly better. 1 more reply. When I was younger I was always able to see mental images when I closed my eyes, after a while I couldnt sleep anymore because I would just see skeletons etc when trying to sleep (this was scary as an 8 year old). Id appreciate it if you could give me those details because I honestly now feel like I may have just wasted a lot of time on this. And, I was kinda taken aback because I couldnt see a thing in my mind. And again, stay relaxed at all times. I plan on trying out the techniques you listed for a couple of months, I have a question and would like to hear if you think this could help my visualization process. It all happens in your head and you dont need to focus on projecting the image to a location. Then close your eyes and repeat the visualization attempt. Thanks for the suggestion! But the candle and solid color exercises sound interesting, Ive never tried them before. What do you thimk about it? Vital key is you keep practicing on a frequent basis. Note the differences. I aim for 30-40 sec, and then close my eyes while looking slightly upwards. The more the better. They apply it naturally on many occasions during the day to review the past, to rehearse the future, etc. Maybe incorporate more high contrast things to focus on in person that dont need a screen (lights in the screen might be worth seeing if they have an effect or not.) Its the best one Ive found about aphantasia. Research into the subject was tricky, as every time I included the term visualization in my searches, I would find countless videos teaching people who already possess the ability to create mental images how to use their ability to achieve personal success. 1) because of my summer job and the lack of energy etc. I cant visualize anything and its all very dark, bland, and not-really-there images I cant seem to get to take shape. According to certified life coach Sydney Axelrod, it's important to get clear on what you want from your goals. Yeah, the swirling/cascading stuff is strange try image streaming on them (record with your phone) and listen later. Many people strain their eyes when trying to visualize. Another method you can use, which has been introduced as Image Streaming, can also help you a great deal with ability to observe details. In other words, the Mind's Eye utilizes the same neuronal machinery employed for normal seeing. Stay relaxed. Did you have to talk yourself through those things before you begin imaging in your mind or is mental rotationa nd mental imaging a different skill and not something where you have to have the mental image before mental rotation, etc Thanks. And I can only attribute these moments to the visualisation practices. I want to thank you for your post. Now later that same day that I had gotten 2 hours of sleep that night I was able to look at some of the pictures in the project and I wasnt functioning at full capacity to say the least. This week I changed a little bit my afterimage training: candle & random images from google (in the morning on daylight and before sleep on dark 20-30 minutes each). All I got was afterimages. Please let us know if make any progress with these (or other) exercises. Its still very grainy and black but it has improved! Practice this daily and your visualization skill will improve bit by bit. But this might be different for each individual. Obviously you need to be able to see the mental image before rotating it but once you are able to develop more clarity of an image in your mind you are trying to picture how would mental rotation work. Usually it takes a while to make a whole lap, but it is doable. Are the after images contained in a small rectangle in the center of your vision when you close your eyes for anybody else? Marko, I dont know how to thank you.,, What exactly happened to your imagination? 1) often i have troubles talking about my experiences, stories i have lived, things i have seen, because i have problems at recalling them. 5 Powerful Visualization Exercises and Techniques - Magneti Meditation for people with Aphantasia. Learning to walk seems like an apt analogy. Unfortunately I did not have the same success today. Once again, visualize, correcting the difference. Think of redrawing the shape with that imaginary pencil.Try holding out your finger and slowly draw the shape into the air in front of you (with eyes closed).This is critical now; If you dont see anything, explain to yourself in your mind like, I see the top edge of the triangle. I basically paused all my projects/work for today. My visuals are just as vague and distant as when I started. Then, whenever youve a free moment, observe a nearby object. Close your eyes and attempt see the object (or scene) with your minds eye. Repeat the process, collecting more details and close your eyes again. Tanks Marko, i will follow your advices!

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how to visualize things in your head